EVENTS, Workshops, WEbinars & MORE
Challenge of Evangelism Webinar
Have you ever asked yourself what it is that makes sharing our faith seem like an unwieldy activity?
Why is it that so many people in our congregations are reluctant, and perhaps why you are, too?
Does it seem that evangelism is harder than it used to be? More complicated? Less enjoyable?
In this webinar, we will explore the forces at work that have brought great tectonic shifts in the foundations upon which evangelism was first framed. Those shifts require us to think afresh about evangelism. This webinar will help us think through these changes and consider ways in which we might respond. We will not be looking at solutions as much as understanding the issues. This is a first step in exploring the changes required to evangelize in the 21st century.

Neighbourhood Life Virtual Cafe
Once a month, join others in conversation about discovering and participating with the Spirit at work in our neighbourhoods. We’ll share stories, learn together and inspire one another on the Go Local/Neighbourhood Life journey. Whether you can attend regularly or occasionally, this is an opportunity to reflect on the postures and practices that help us love our neighbours like Jesus! Complete this registration to indicate your availability as well as your interest in other training opportunities.
Sign up here.

It’s no secret that the Western world is in throes of change. North America is quickly abandoning its Judeo-Christian heritage for secularism. In a blog posting by Dr. John Stackhouse in reference to the 2011 Statistics Canada census data, he makes the following observation. “The tight link between Canada and Christian piety has evaporated as Canadians have raced the Dutch for the fastest deChristianization since the French Revolution… The national story is simply a quiet revolution of slow but sure abandonment of Christian identity by older people and an increasing number of younger people who have never known the inside of a church and are in no hurry to see it.”
How does the church navigate this change? It seems that there are no experts but there are fellow travellers. The answer to the way we navigate the shifting cultural tide is together.
Forge Canada invites you to join a monthly community of fellow leaders to journey with, learn from and process the cultural context we are now a part of.
A Forge Learning Community (FLC) is a monthly priority for missional practitioners and leaders.
What can you expect?
Because we will lean upon each other to grow and learn there are three expectations of those who subscribe to the FLC:
Show up – Once a month for 3 hours commit your time to being with the FLC. Trust can only be built as we are together and to get to the heart of our most pressing challenges will require trust.
Be present – We encourage everyone to come prepared. There may be times when we will discuss articles or books come having read and prepared to dialogue intelligently. There will be times when we carry burdens that distract come prepared to share so we can carry them together.
Engage – Come willing to participate. We might provide the voice of others who have deeper insight or more experienced but every voice is needed to help process what we are hearing and apply it to our own specific contexts.
What’s expected of you? Show up, be present and engage.
What does a Learning Community do?
The short answer is that we learn. Not only by having wise voices speak to us either live or virtually, but also by putting into practice what is being learned and sharing our experiences with each other. We learn by acting and reflecting and the FLC allows a venue to process this learning cycle.
For more information, send us an email.
We are convinced that prayer is crucial to our participation with what God is doing across our country. Our desire is to see God continue to lead us towards being a “Faithful Witness” in neighbourhoods across our land.
We want to invite you to participate in our prayer initiative. In order to simplify all of this, we are using the Echo Prayer App. We would invite you to download the app, and then click on feeds, and then search for Forge Canada and click “follow”.
This app will allow us to communicate the needs in seeing more neighbourhood communities of Christians being developed, but also alert you to opportunities to pray for the Forge movement as we speak and teach, train and equip followers of Jesus across the country.
We would welcome your participation in journeying with God in seeing His Kingdom come here in Canada and so invite you to join us.