What’s Fear Got to Do with It?

What does fear have to do with the Missio Dei? This was the question I was asked when I pitched the idea of doing a series of blogs on fear. The truth is that fear is very influential in our engagement with God’s mission. What we fear, how we steward our fear, and our...

Who is my Neighbour?

What if the solution to our society’s biggest issues has been right under our noses for the past two thousand years? When Jesus was asked to reduce everything in the Bible into one command he said: Love God with everything you have and love your neighbor as yourself....

Why I don’t wish you a Happy New Year

I’ve heard it my whole life every 365 days: “Happy New Year.” For many it summarizes the goal and purpose of life—happiness. “Happiness is the truth,” croons Pharrell Williams. And caught up in the catchy tune and rhythmic beat we bob our heads in agreement. But is...

Exploring Exile with Lee Beach

Canadian author Lee Beach, in his recent book The Church In Exile, helps us imagine what the hope and mission of God’s people can look like in a post-Christendom culture. Here is the first of a two-part interview with Lee on some of the points from The Church in...

The Pain of Conversion

A few years back, I once more went on Leviathan, the longest, fastest, and steepest roller coaster at Canada’s wonderland. My son and I sat in the very front seat. While after years of riding roller coaster I am quite comfortable with them, I still feel the racing of...