Fellowship & Mission

Fellowship & Mission

We’ve all heard the expression “the tail is wagging the dog.” In an organization it implies that something secondary, that should be responding to the primary thing, has taken over and now controls in a way that has displaced what is primary. This kind of situation...
How to Raze a Little Hell!

How to Raze a Little Hell!

razed; razing transitive verb: to destroy to the ground: DEMOLISH If the Kingdom of God exists where the King is presently reigning, than it may be possible to understand that hell exists where Satan rules. Part of the roll of the people of God, according to Paul, is...
Why Evangelism is Often, a “Waste” of Time.

Why Evangelism is Often, a “Waste” of Time.

The other day I was walking home from work for lunch, (a practice I began during COVID and have kept up on fair weather days) and a neighbour about 5 blocks down from where I live greeted me saying, “Are you the pastor guy?” Although I had seen this man before and had...

How to Stop the Spread

When it comes to stopping the spread there are three key actions to keep in mind: Keep IsolatedIf you go out keep your distance and do not touch other people.Wear a mask around others This is good advice if the spread we are wanting to stop is COVID-19 but it is...