I invite you to join me in engaging art as a way of reflection and discernment. It may feel awkward for those who tend to use the logical left brain more often, but we all have creative right brains that need to be exercised too! Art is an invitation to do just that, an opportunity to pause and pay attention in a different way; to allow the Spirit to speak to us through a different lens. Art tells a story that we participate in as we discover and perhaps tell in new ways, our own story.
What do you see in this painting? Pause and study it.

I see a smile and a song among the torn and ragged hardships.
I like that, Merv– thank you!
This was so lovely to read, Karen. When I painted this so many years ago, I think the ideas were there in my paintbrush and colour mixing, but not so clearly articulated. You put words to what my hands knew to do. Thank you for expanding and highlighting this piece.
Delighted too! We so appreciate your thoughtful artistry! What piece should we contemplate next?
My first thought was that I saw a darning needle, one like my mother used to mend our socks. I then saw the gaping hole, dark and empty. It is out of place, interrupting this beautiful flow of colours. Maybe the needle is intended to mend the parts that had been rent. PS does anyone mend socks anymore. What an act of love. To make whole again. And for an article that seems like a lesser garment.
Nancy, ‘funny’ you thought of a darning needle as I just came across one in my sewing/craft stuff! You’re right it looks a lot like one! — Can’t say I’ve mended any socks…