Below you will find a collection of reflections from our Forge team. We hope they encourage you, challenge you, and equip you to engage your neighbourhood and churches. To see older blog entries click on the “Older Entries” link below.

An adapted excerpt from Cultivating Shalom: Finding Peace in the Midst of Disruption, Uncertainty and Ordinary Life
The word shalom is a rich and heavily loaded word. It is impossible to simply insert an english...
Advent 2023 Devotional
“While We Wait” is an Advent devotional series that seeks to engage our excitement as we...
Neighbourhood Story
We took nothing. We didn’t have the capacity to come alongside a neighbour in need, so I inquired...
When Jesus Said ‘Take Nothing’
Could Jesus be saying that entering the house of another is like entering the holy temple? That...
Fellowship & Mission
We’ve all heard the expression “the tail is wagging the dog.” In an organization it implies that...
Living in the Light
Isaiah 9:2 “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of...
The Story of My Neighbourhood
My husband and I live in an amazing neighbourhood with many good friends scattered throughout. We...
Around the Table: The Practice of Listening
Why did it take so long? At 57, I may finally be learning one of the reasons that God gave me two...
How to Raze a Little Hell!
razed; razing transitive verb: to destroy to the ground: DEMOLISH If the Kingdom of God exists...
Waiting as a Formational Process
“Advent! A holy season in which we connect again with our “inconsolable longing,” as C.S. Lewis...
Snowmageddon? Is that even a word? In Vancouver this week, it was a reality. The first snow of the...
A Pastor, A Picnic Table and a Cheesecake
Five years ago, I was inspired by Kristin Schell’s little film The Turquoise Table. The premise is...